EJ Law Meeting: Linden Union County

Join this meeting as part of the Title V Operating Permit renewal application process for the Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. facility in Linden. As part of this process, this facility has submitted an Environmental Impact Statement. Read the statement here.

Attend the hearing to learn more information about local impacts, ask questions, and make a public comment. Join this hearing via this link here with access code 2431 053 0733. 

The public comment period will close on Wednesday, June 25.

For questions and comments, please contact Brooke Helmick, Director of Policy at brooke@njeja.org.

Press Release: EJ Community Members Say: EPA Rules Must Incorporate Cumulative Impacts Analysis and Discontinue Reliance on CCS


Press Contacts

NJ Environmental Justice Alliance: Melissa Miles | melissa@njeja.org 

Center for the Urban Environment of the Watson Institute for Urban Policy & Research: Dr. Nicky Sheats, Esq. | nsheats@kean.edu

Tishman Environment and Design Center: Dr. Ana Isabel Baptista | baptista@newschool.edu  

Ironbound Community Corp.: Maria Lopez-Nunez | mlopeznunez@ironboundcc.org 


EJ Community Members Say:

EPA Rules Must Incorporate Cumulative Impacts Analysis and Discontinue Reliance on CCS


Washington D.C.On April 25, the EPA announced a suite of four standards on toxic air pollution, water pollution, land contamination, and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants. Key among these is the final rule for existing coal-fired and new natural gas-fired power plants. 


We recognize the important steps the EPA has taken in removing hydrogen co-firing from consideration as a BSER (Best System of Emissions Reduction) and understand the importance in a delayed ruling on reducing GHG emissions from existing natural gas plants in order to consider the best approach and to address environmental justice concerns. 

In order to best address the risks of climate change and local air pollution as well as protect frontline Environmental Justice communities, the EPA should incorporate a cumulative impacts and MER (mandatory emissions reduction) approach. 

We would also call upon the EPA to continue to strengthen its rules and ensure that future rules do not include hydrogen co-firing or CCS/CCUS as a BSER. We urge the EPA to discontinue its reliance on and promotion of CCS as a technological solution to climate change mitigation. CCS is an unproven and high-risk approach to reducing GHG emissions, and fails to address co-pollutant emissions from power plants in a meaningful and holistic way. 


“The EPA Power Plant Rule update resulted from decades of organizing and advocacy and years of partnerships between the EPA and Environmental Justice communities. The EPA is modeling some of the best practices around the engagement of impacted communities, and these updated rules are a win for us all. At the same time, we acknowledge the parts of the rules flagged by communities as non-starters, namely the use of carbon capture, utilization and storage in EJ communities. The implicit inclusion of this dangerous technology was a loss for us all. However, we maintain hope that the next update will incorporate cumulative impacts and a mandatory emissions reduction approach to regulating existing power plants.”

Melissa Miles, 

Executive Director, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance


“I congratulate EPA on the decision to remove hydrogen co-firing from the power plant rule. However, cumulative impacts and mandatory emissions reductions policies should be incorporated into the rule to protect environmental justice communities in general, and especially as a safeguard for the potential harms of carbon capture technology, which unfortunately remains in the rule. These protective policies should also be incorporated into the existing gas plants portion of the rule.”

Dr. Nicky Sheats, Esq., 

Director, Center for the Urban Environment, John S. Watson Institute for Urban Policy and Research at Kean University 

President of the Board and member of the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance


“We want to urge the USEPA to prioritize the health and well-being of environmental justice communities in the implementation of these rules. We look forward to seeing mandatory emissions reductions and approaches to reducing cumulative impacts embedded in the regulations now being developed for existing natural gas plants.”

Dr. Ana Isabel Baptista, 

Co-Director Tishman Environment & Design Center

NJEJA Board Member 


“EPA has to show progress on cumulative impacts and mandatory emissions reductions if we are to believe that this administration is not just all talk regarding the welfare of the most vulnerable communities. These concepts must be embedded into existing and future regulation to safeguard our communities from bad local actors.”


Maria Lopez-Nunez,

Deputy Director, Organizing and Advocacy Ironbound Community Corporation


For questions regarding this statement, please contact Brooke Helmick, NJEJA Director of Policy at brooke@njeja.org

The New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance is an alliance of New Jersey-based organizations and individuals working together to identify, prevent, and reduce and/or eliminate environmental injustices that exist in communities of color and low-income communities. NJEJA will support community efforts to remediate and rebuild impacted neighborhoods, using the community’s vision of improvement, through education, advocacy, the review and promulgation of public policies, training, and through organizing and technical assistance.

The Center for the Urban Environment (CUE) strives to protect communities Of Color and low-income communities from disproportionately high amounts of pollution by addressing environmental justice (EJ) issues on the local, state and national levels. 

The Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School is a collaborative community of practice that leverages research, policy, and design in accordance with the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing. Our Center brings together research and action to tackle the root causes of climate and environmental injustice and commit to changing higher education practices within and beyond The New School. 

The Ironbound Community Cooperation upholds and builds upon the principles of “Justice and Equality for All.” We strive to practice and build equity, work towards a Just Transition, and organize community on the basis of the Jemez Principles. We envision a safe, healthy, just, and nurturing Ironbound; a welcoming and fully inclusive community that supports equal and accessible opportunity and the quest for a better life. For us, revitalization means uplifting both people and place. Therefore, we aim to lead the transformation of Ironbound into a neighborhood where anyone might choose to live and current residents can remain in their homes and their community without fear of being displaced.

March for Clean Air

Join us in attending the March for Clean Air, hosted by the Ironbound Community Corporation and co-sponsored by the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance. Attend the rally and march in our contingent as we oppose the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission’s harmful plan to construct a fourth power plant in Newark and fight for our human right to breathe clean air, irrespective of race, income, or zipcode. 

What: March for Clean Air

Where: Down Bottom Farms, 371-395 Ferry St, Newark, NJ 07105

When: Saturday April 20th,12-2pm

Registration Link: bit.ly/CleanAirNow

For transportation accommodations, please contact Chloe Desir at CDesir@ironboundcc.org. 

For questions regarding NJEJA’s participation and event logistics, please contact Brooke Helmick at brooke@njeja.org

Press Release: Protect EJ Communities While Mitigating Climate Change

NJEJA logo ICC logo


Press Contacts

NJ Environmental Justice Alliance: Brooke Helmick | brooke@njeja.org

Center for the Urban Environment: Nicky Sheats, PhD, Esq. | nsheats@kean.edu 

Ironbound Community Corp.: Maria Lopez-Nunez | mlopeznunez@ironboundcc.org 


Environmental Justice Communities Say: 

Protect EJ Communities While Mitigating Climate Change 


Trenton – On March 14, the Senate Energy and Environment Committee both strengthened and voted in favor (3-2) of a Clean Energy Standard (S237/A1480). The EJ community has been actively involved in calling for a nation-leading definition of clean energy and climate change mitigation policy that reduces locally harmful GHG co-pollutants in overburdened Environmental Justice communities, and does not allow for potential loopholes or false solutions. 


We celebrate the passage of this strong definition, and the fact that this bill makes New Jersey a leader in ensuring states prioritize the procurement of clean energy. However, we also recognize that this bill has a long way to go before it can be enacted into law. This moment cannot be the end of the conversation, and we will continue to call for new language and provisions that actively protect EJ communities while creating new jobs and a cleaner environment. 


We call upon legislators to continue fine-tuning this bill by ensuring that the legislation: 

  • Reduces toxic air pollution in EJ communities by removing “net emissions” calculations;
  • Creates a strong standard for “de minimis” levels of pollution that are as close to zero as possible; and 
  • Prevents polluting facilities such as incinerators from receiving ratepayer subsidies when they violate air permits. 


“This moment represents a turning point for the state and the country. Including co-pollutants in the definition makes New Jersey a leader in protecting frontline communities. There is more work to be done to make sure that the bill is as protective of EJ communities as possible, but we take this moment to celebrate and honor the many advocates who have worked tirelessly to protect public health, call for climate change mitigation, and ensure that EJ communities are not left behind in the energy transition.” 

Melissa Miles

Executive Director 

New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance 


“It’s so refreshing to see a holistic and necessary approach to defining clean energy. If we do not include co-pollutants, we stand to repeat the mistakes of the past where we sacrifice local communities for the so-called “greater good.” Today is an important step in leading the country towards a future that deals with both public health and climate change.” 

Maria Lopez-Nuñez

Deputy Director, Organizing and Advocacy

Ironbound Community Corportation


“Incorporating GHG co-pollutant reductions into a clean energy standard is the type of action the environmental justice community has been strongly recommending for many years. It will help protect communities near energy infrastructure from locally harmful co-pollutant emissions while at the same time fighting climate change.”

Nicky Sheats, Ph.D., Esq.

Director, Center for the Urban Environment

John S. Watson Institute for Urban Policy and Research at Kean University

Member of the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance



The New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance is an alliance of New Jersey-based organizations and individuals working together to identify, prevent, and reduce and/or eliminate environmental injustices that exist in communities of color and low-income communities. NJEJA will support community efforts to remediate and rebuild impacted neighborhoods, using the community’s vision of improvement, through education, advocacy, the review and promulgation of public policies, training, and through organizing and technical assistance.

 ICC upholds and builds upon the principles of “Justice and Equality for All.” We strive to practice and build equity, work towards a Just Transition, and organize community on the basis of the Jemez Principles. We envision a safe, healthy, just, and nurturing Ironbound; a welcoming and fully inclusive community that supports equal and accessible opportunity and the quest for a better life. For us, revitalization means uplifting both people and place. Therefore, we aim to lead the transformation of Ironbound into a neighborhood where anyone might choose to live and current residents can remain in their homes and their community without fear of being displaced.

Environmental Justice Advocates Testify in Trenton on the Proposed Clean Energy Standard

On March 11, 2024, the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA) went to Trenton to once again testify on the Clean Energy Standard. 

NJEJA testified in a joint hearing before the Senate Energy and Environment Committee and the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee on the proposed Clean Energy Standard (SB237/AB1480) alongside the Ironbound Community Corporation, Earthjustice, and NJPEEC, all of whom were invited to testify and represent the Environmental Justice perspective.

If passed, the legislation would set a clean energy definition that would require that 100% of the energy purchased in the state must be generated by clean sources by 2035. This bill has the potential to affect New Jersey residents for decades to come and determine whether or not the state can reach Governor Murphy’s clean energy goals. NJEJA previously testified on this bill back in November 2023, but it did not pass during the lame duck session and was reintroduced under new bill numbers at the start of the new legislative session.

Brooke Helmick testified on behalf of NJEJA, highlighting that this definition has the potential to be a nation-leading moment for the state, but only if legislators are intentional and technical with their definition, ensuring that any facilities labeled ‘clean’ produce as close to zero pollution as possible, facilities aren’t allowed to engage in offsets which displace pollution from one community to another, and the definition is intentional to address harmful, dangerous co-pollutants in addition to greenhouse gases. She brought particular attention to the dangers of toxic air pollutants, such as PM 2.5 and NOx, which are harmful to physical health and lead to a number of negative physical health outcomes. 

NJEJA closed their testimony by highlighting that this bill focuses on energy purchased for the state, but not necessarily energy produced in the state. However, given that one bill can’t do everything, NJEJA closed by highlighting for the committees that they looked forward to coming back to Trenton to discuss a complement to this bill which would address pollution at facilities that produce energy in the state.  

Read NJEJA’s press release.

Comments to the Dept. of Treasury on Credits for Hydrogen Production

To date, climate change mitigation policy has typically been carbon-centric and focused solely on reducing carbon emissions. We urge the 45(v) tax credit proposed rule to move away from carbon centrism by addressing EJ issues that include limiting the emissions of GHG co-pollutants in general as much as possible.

A carbon centric approach and focus on solely using the lifecycle GHG emissions rate of hydrogen production as the metric to determine whether the hydrogen produced is “clean”, is a significant EJ concern. This approach ignores the emissions of GHG co-pollutants along the life cycle of not just hydrogen production but storage, delivery and end uses (such as the burning of hydrogen-blended natural gas at power plants3). Additionally, when a life cycle GHG emissions rate is the sole metric to determine whether the hydrogen produced is clean, a myriad of environmental and health impacts along the hydrogen production chain remain insufficiently addressed.

Environmental Justice Advocates Rally in Trenton to Push for Real Clean Energy Policy

On November 20, 2023, the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA), alongside partner organizations including Ironbound Community Corporation and Clean Water Action, joined forces to rally and testify in Trenton. The focus of our advocacy was Senate Bill S2928, a crucial piece of legislation aimed at achieving 100 percent clean electricity by 2035. However, NJEJA urged for a critical amendment to the definition of “clean” energy, excluding sources that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and toxic co-pollutants like NOx.

Trash incineration, hydrogen combustion, and flawed ‘carbon capture’ technologies are among the sources we sought to exclude from the clean energy definition. The rally and testimonies were integral to emphasize the importance of addressing harmful co-pollutants in climate change mitigation policy and recognizing the need to safeguard overburdened communities through robust legislation.

Melissa Miles, Brooke Helmick, Thomas Ikeda, and Dr. Nicky Sheets passionately testified on behalf of NJEJA, underscoring the urgency of prioritizing public health and environmental justice in clean energy policies. Dozens of environmental justice and climate activists participated in the rally, echoing the call for strong clean energy policies. The collective goal is to combat climate change, protect public health, and promote environmental justice. Activists also voiced their opposition to provisions in the bill that could impede the state’s transition to genuinely clean, non-polluting energy technologies, potentially tethering New Jersey to outdated and polluting fossil fuel practices.

“We want as close to zero emissions as possible,” stated Melissa Miles, Executive Director of the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, during her testimony. She also criticized a provision in the bill that permits facilities to purchase clean-electricity credits to offset emissions in overburdened communities, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and immediate action to achieve meaningful environmental progress.

Our Comments to NJDEP: No Toxic Hydrogen Hubs in Overburdened Communities

Comments on: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Strategic Climate Action Plan

Submitted by the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

October 19, 2023


The New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA) is a statewide organization mobilizing other environmental justice (EJ) organizations and individuals in order to increase the quality of life and upward mobility opportunities for EJ communities (low-income communities and communities Of Color), many of whom experience additional burdens resulting from histories of systemic racism. Our work covers a wide range of areas including plastics and incineration, air pollution reduction and cumulative impacts, ports and transportation, and clean energy policy. The principles and values of environmental justice practices are at the center of all we do, and we believe that the community’s vision of improvement will always be the most effective and important part of strategic development.

As such, we respectfully submit these comments today in an effort to support the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in their “continuing commitment to furthering the promise of environmental justice through actions that advance climate justice” (Section 2). Our range of work, state-wide reach, and diversity of membership gives us a unique perspective on environmental protection and allows us to bring the concerns of overburdened, environmental justice communities to the forefront of the conversation.

Air Pollution, Co-Pollutants and Emissions Reduction
When identifying and implementing the best practices for addressing air pollution in the state of New Jersey, the DEP must ensure that all efforts to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions work equally as hard to lower co-pollutants emissions. As the Strategic Climate Action Plan (the Plan)
draft clearly states:

“Climate impacts are likely to have even greater effects in communities already overburdened by pollution. That includes threats from co-pollutants, emitted alongside greenhouse gases, which have localized health effects.”

Section 2

The harmful effects of co-pollutants disproportionately impact already overburdened EJ communities. These aforementioned localized health risks, such as the effects of Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5, include premature death, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and pulmonary disease. Additionally, it must be acknowledged that fine PM has no lower threshold for health benefits. Driving down concentrations of fine PM and other co-pollutants in tandem with GHG emissions has immediate relevancy and benefit to EJ communities.

To this end, NJEJA is concerned both about the lack of specific accountability mechanisms and discussion of co-pollutants throughout the report. Within the report, reduction in co-pollutants is seen as a secondary benefit brought on by a reduction in GHG emissions. It must be recognized that a climate change mitigation policy that does not address co-pollutants directly, but instead treats them as secondary benefits is an ineffective policy. This can be seen in Section when the Plan states that “anticipated outcomes could include reduced co-pollutant emissions.” Similarly, Section 7.2.2 states that “reducing greenhouse gas emissions will also have co-benefits of reducing co-pollutants.”

By not addressing co-pollutants in air pollution policy directly, we risk failing to improve air quality even if we are successful in our GHG policies. Climate change mitigation policy must address co-pollutants in order to ensure that we protect overburdened EJ communities. The DEP has the opportunity to drive down concentrations of co-pollutants in tandem with GHG emissions while advancing the States’ clean energy and climate-related priorities; this can only be achieved by treating greenhouse gases and co-pollutants as equally important and as equally devastating to our communities’ health, safety, and stability. To this end, we recommend that any policies which target greenhouse gas emissions include mechanisms to monitor and reduce co-pollutants as well. Such examples could include: factoring in co-pollutants to the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) calculations (Section 4.2.2); including co-pollutants in the proposed annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Report (Section 4.2.2); developing a co-pollutant inventory for Department facilities as supplemental to the development of its greenhouse gas inventory (Section; increasing transparency and specificity to address co-pollutants while examining “avenues to reduce pollution in overburdened communities” (Section 7.1).

Hydrogen Hubs
Throughout the Plan, the DEP highlights their intention to support the development of a regional hydrogen hub (Section 4.2.5 and Section We are deeply concerned that these plans will be advanced without consideration of community input, potential risks, and sufficient conversation with EJ communities who will bear the brunt of negative consequences from these facilities. The only way to produce hydrogen without worsening air pollution or further damaging the climate is to create “green hydrogen” which – as of April 2021 – represents less than 1% of the hydrogen produced. Hydrogen Hubs cannot be treated as the singular solution and any exploration of using hydrogen should be treated with extreme caution. EJ communities must be engaged and given accurate information regarding the impacts of these hubs to their communities. Furthermore, the DEP must sufficiently address the public and environmental risks of the hydrogen hubs program to New Jersey communities with robust discussion, full transparency, and meaningful engagement.

Lastly, the DEP should be clear in its understanding and interpretation of clean energy specifically as it relates to the development of renewable energy powered and/or hydrogen-powered fuel cells. The DEP must define “clean firm” and be precise about both the benefits and risks of these technologies. Clean technology cannot become a greenwashed term, and must represent truly clean technologies. Language regarding clean energy and clean technologies must ensure that environmental communities see real, tangible protection and that just transition practices are employed in every proposal and plan.

Sustainable Waste Management
The issue of sustainable waste management is a unique challenge in that it requires both highly specific community engagement and localized plans as well as a broad state-wide plan to handle the state’s waste. NJEJA firmly supports a prioritization of EPR as an effective tool to drastically reduce the amount of plastic waste, particularly plastic packaging waste, from entering the waste stream. When we reduce plastic production we send less waste to incinerators, which alleviates air pollution and other toxic-exposure health concerns in overburdened communities. We urge the DEP to continue developing EPR policies and infrastructure, in order to address waste issues in a manner that reduces the pressure on the individual, and instead handles these waste challenges at an infrastructural level targeting plastic reduction policies at the source of their production. Additionally, the DEP must be clear about their definitions of recycling and their development of facilities to handle sustainable waste management. First, the definition of recycling should prohibit chemical recycling, plastic to fuel, advanced recycling, pyrolysis, solvolysis, gasification, or any synonymous technology from being included as viable recycling techniques. These technologies have not been proven to be credible or safe techniques and expose communities, particularly already overburdened communities, to air pollutants and risk of fires, gas and chemical leaks, and costly clean-ups. Secondly, we recommend that the DEP define and explain their intention for similar terms including food waste recycling facilities and organic waste recycling.

Finally, the DEP must ensure that all evaluation of emerging technologies, educational programming, engagement opportunities, and strategic planning includes communities who will be primarily affected by these facilities. These communities must be prioritized in the stakeholder engagement process in order to address their concerns, ensure safety and stability in the development process, and sufficiently address environmental risks.

Climate Equity: Stakeholder Engagement and Community Input
Finally, climate equity work must include and center EJ communities. As the Plan acknowledges:

“Low-income communities and communities of color in New Jersey – and across the United States – are burdened with disproportionately high pollution, increased flood risk, and more intense heat waves as compared to wealthy, White communities due to decades of redlining and community disinvestment.”

Section 7

These communities have consistently been forced to navigate climate change dangers, environmental degradation, adverse health risks due to worsening air pollution, and other community risks. In order to ensure that past wrongs are not replicated in current plans, EJ communities must be included and recognized as leaders in the strategic planning process. The DEP must underscore the importance of community engagement in every action, plan, and regulatory development. We are supportive of the opportunities for stakeholder engagement listed within the Plan, and we encourage the DEP to ensure that these engagements are inclusive of all stakeholders including community-based and local non-profit organizations. Prioritizing direct engagement with communities not only builds trust between governmental bodies and the local communities, but often leads to increased support for projects by recognizing the value and knowledge of communities in leading the planning and development processes. This support serves to expedite the planning process, ensure that communities are enthusiastic about plans to build climate resilience across New Jersey, and create a cohesive, cross-sector coalition dedicated to helping the State reach its climate goals. All areas of the Plan would benefit from increasing community engagement, but areas that address the layout and specific conditions of a community can see increased benefit from direct community conversation. Such areas include the DEP’s work on sustainable waste management (Section 9.2.1), resilience funding (Section and Section, and the Community Solar Energy Program (Section Furthermore, the DEP should increase transparency and specificity regarding tools, tactics, and strategies to support overburdened communities; there must be prioritized, direct, and protective actions to reduce risk and strengthen the overall health and wellbeing of the community.

When the communities across the state that are most consistently facing climate risk are protected, we will see a trickle-up effect where every individual is protected. NJEJA reaffirms every community’s inherent right to a healthy, safe community. These comments have been submitted to address our concerns regarding air pollution, hydrogen technologies, truly clean energy, sustainable waste management, and robust stakeholder engagement. We offer our support in building a cleaner, more resilient New Jersey and are supportive of ongoing conversation with the NJDEP concerning our thoughts in these comments.

Prepared by:
Brooke Helmick, M.A.
Law and Policy Manager, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance

Press Release: EPA’s Proposed New Carbon Pollution Standards for Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Will Fail to Protect EJ Communities

Press Release: EPA’s Proposed New Carbon Pollution Standards for Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Will Fail to Protect EJ Communities

WASHINGTON (August 8, 2023) –The Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School, the Center for the Urban Environment of the John S. Watson Institute for Urban Policy and Research at Kean University, the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA), and the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy, along with 18 environmental justice and 9 allied organizations are submitting public comments today on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s proposed carbon pollution standards for coal and new natural gas fired power plants. 

Environmental justice (EJ) communities are on the frontlines of the adverse impacts of climate change and are disproportionately exposed to a wide range of polluting industries, including fossil fuel infrastructure like coal plants, natural gas plants, and pipelines. The use of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) mechanisms and hydrogen co-firing in the power sector will further harm EJ communities that are already overburdened. The only real solution to climate change is the rapid and complete transition of the power sector away from all types of fossil fuels to energy efficiency and  renewable energy in the form of wind and solar power. We call attention to critical EJ concerns related to the proposed rule that would hinder a reliable, just, and truly clean power section transition. 

The EPA will finalize the standards in the coming months.

The following is a comment from Dr. Ana Baptista, The Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School

Addressing climate change and decades of toxic exposure experienced by environmental justice communities means moving away from a dependence on fossil fuels and investing instead in renewable energy sources and infrastructure in communities. Supporting carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and hydrogen co-firing in the power sector through massive amounts of public funding and policies like EPA’s proposed rule will perpetuate the fossil fuel industry, to the continued detriment of EJ communities. These same overburdened communities have time and again been sacrifice zones to unjust policies and infrastructure that place them on the frontlines of fossil fuel polluting structures. Environmental justice should be a priority for the EPA’s power sector rule rather than an afterthought . We urge the EPA to take seriously the environmental justice implications of this rule and consider cumulative impacts in decision-making processes related to the rule.”


The following is a comment from Dr. Nicky Sheats, John S. Watson Institute for Urban Policy and Research at Kean University

“Too many low-income communities and Communities of Color around the country are exposed to the harms of all types of polluting infrastructure and have disproportionately borne these cumulative burdens for too long. It’s time to right these wrongs. EPA’s proposed rule all but recognizes that CCS and hydrogen co-firing will add to toxic air pollution in communities living near power plants, and this is unacceptable when such communities already live with an unfair share of cumulative impacts from pollution. The EPA’s proposed carbon pollution standards must adopt a more affirmative approach toward environmental justice to address cumulative impacts. ” 

The following is a comment from Melissa Miles, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance

“A rapid, clean energy transition is indispensable to ensure that current and future generations have healthy and safe communities to live, work, play, learn, and worship in. We need policies that mandate emissions reductions in EJ communities and ensure the closure of fossil fuel powered plants first and foremost in EJ communities. The EPA’s proposed carbon pollution standards are an opportunity for the EPA to create equitable policies that truly center communities on the frontlines and bring us to a clean energy transition and just future for all.” 


The following is a comment from Bill Gallegos, Center for Earth Energy & Democracy

“We know that overwhelmingly the burden of pollution from fossil fuel powered power plants is borne by low income communities, communities of color and indigenous communities. We also know that the impacts of rising intensive heat cycles, extreme temperatures and the resulting power outages are experienced most acutely by environmental justice communities.  We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. We must meet the challenge of climate change like never before – in ways that center environmental justice communities. We urge the EPA to uphold its commitment to environmental justice and create policies that reduce carbon pollution from the power sector in ways that create benefits for environmental justice communities.”