Comments to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council on Carbon Management

On June 19, the New jersey Environmental Justice Alliance submitted comments to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) regarding carbon management. NJEJA highlighted the risks of CCS and hydrogen co-firing, the necessity of directing federal funding towards communities and sustainable, renewable technologies, and recommending increased oversight, transparency, and accountability in DOE project development. Click here to read more about the WHEJAC.

Read our full comments below:

NJEJA and ICC Submit Comments on the Energy Master Plan

On June 12, the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance and the Ironbound Community Corporation submitted public comment to the Board of Public Utilities regarding the 2024 Energy Master Plan. These comments reflect a joint effort to decrease emissions in the state of New Jersey and facilitate to swift transition to affordable truly-clean energy for everyone, particularly low- and moderate-income and EJ communities. Click here read other public comments and view the BPU’s docket.

Read our full comments below:

NJEJA and Partners Submit Comments on EPA’s Power Plant Rule

On May 28, the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance and EJ partners submitted crucial comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the second part to their Power Plant Rules. These comments reflect a unified effort from numerous EJ organizations across the country to call on the EPA to substantially address the cumulative impacts of air pollution and the disproportionate burden of both greenhouse gases and greenhouse gas co-pollutants on environmental justice communities. Click here to read our full comments.

Read Our Statement Below, and hear what EJ advocates had to say about the unique opportunity in this comment period: