A case study of the Newark Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impacts Ordinance
The Robert A. Catlin Memorial Lecture at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Newark’s Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impacts Ordinance seeks to create stronger environmental and land use policy tools at the local level to prevent and mitigate additional pollution associated with a variety of development and redevelopment projects. It also addresses environmental justice by helping to prevent Newark, which has a disproportionate number of low-income and residents of color, from having
a disproportionate number of polluting projects placed within its borders. Three panelists will discuss the various components and impacts of the ordinance. A light reception will follow the panel.
Dr. Nicky Sheats, Esq., Director, Center for the Urban Environment, John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy, Thomas Edison State University
Dr. Ana Baptista, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management and Associate Director, Tishman Environment & Design Center, The New School
Cynthia Mellon, Co-chair, City of Newark Environmental Commission and Coordinator, Newark Environmental Resource Inventory
A case study of the
Newark Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impacts Ordinance
The Robert A. Catlin Memorial Lecture at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Newark’s Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impacts Ordinance seeks to create stronger environmental and land use policy tools at the local level to prevent and mitigate additional pollution associated with a variety of development and redevelopment projects. It also addresses environmental justice by helping to prevent Newark, which has a disproportionate number of low-income and residents of color, from having
a disproportionate number of polluting projects placed within its borders. Three panelists will discuss the various components and impacts of the ordinance. A light reception will follow the panel.
Dr. Nicky Sheats, Esq., Director, Center for the Urban Environment, John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy, Thomas Edison State University
Dr. Ana Baptista, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management and Associate Director, Tishman Environment & Design Center, The New School
Cynthia Mellon, Co-chair, City of Newark Environmental Commission and Coordinator, Newark Environmental Resource Inventory
NJEJA Letter Archive on the EJ Law Rules